Wednesday, 23 December 2015

The_inkdiary Story

We talk a lot
My heart, my paper and the ink of my ink pot!
We mess a lot...
We talk about each word that my heart utters,
We mess for what to write and what not!

My heart says a word...
The ink turns it a bit...
He... This paper might like it not a bit
And and blot her, miss ink in a messy dip!
And at times just curls each stroke,
With love overflowing in each drop!

These words we mend
Into pretty lines,
And those lines into a verse...
Limning the pleasures and even those sad times,
To festoon our three-men universe!

Yes we talk... A lot!
My paper... My heart and the ink of my inkpot!
Poets are we...
Faithful... Bonded forever are we!

Monday, 30 November 2015

From Somnolence to serenity

When I needed the darkness
When I needed solitude
You crooned me into depts of somnolence...

You saw me haste in that space
You saw me fetch things...
Ending up just clutching the air...
You heard my shreiks,
The ones that the silence ate up...

Then taming me,
Extricating me from self harm,
You brought me close to the moon
Showing to me the silvery shimmer
Of a ball of light glowing every corner!

Darkness had I thought,
Was the end to my crave...
But you took me out of those blood-curdling caves...
Soothing me with a gentle bliss
Escorting me to this paradise...
You relaxed me with the moonlight's kiss!

And here am I
Travelled long from the hasty somnolence
To this serenity... so calm..
Untouched... unharmed!

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

You will be there...

If I lose you tonight
I would not drop a tear off my eye...
Because I believe that
Whatever the times maybe
You will be back... Near me!

If I lose you tonight
And you won't even look back for a last smile
And you won't
Open your eyes to see if I am alright...

I won't break,
For I know that a droplet by then was on it's stake
And you don't want to let me drown in that depth!
So, you hid that in your eyelids right away!

I know ... You would come back soon
I know... You would hug me tight
And wipe this tear off my eye
So, I won't cry
If I lost you tonight!

But ....
What if you don't turn back???
What if....

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Happy diwali

Hanging laterns on heights
Turning on those braided bands of light...
The scent of sweets all around
And a flush of colours on the ground
Surprises and loaded smiles,
And blessings spreading a feeling so divine!

Tradition it is, we say...
The tradition of overloaded ecstacy,
The tradition of inside-out beauty...

Reminscense it is...
Of folklore and mighty fables,
Of the stories of homecoming of worshipped angels...

And what follows next is the ambrosia...
From mouth to heart!
Filling up hearts and craving bellies as well!

Diwali it is we say...
Our festival...
Our tradition...
Our happiness!
Diwali it is ... We say!

Monday, 9 November 2015

Tears of seperation

He saw himself crying, in the mirror
And he shattered into finer pieces...

He went to his room with a hope
For a passionate hug and kiss on the head!
But all around were things lying dead!

He searched for a hand
In that shirt, hung on the stand
But all he found was a lifeless sleeve!

He craved for words of love
In the letter for seperation!
Then found himself deeper into dejection!

Tired was he, of the wait,
Broken was he like a fallen glass vase...

And when he saw himself in the mirror, Dead and crying,
And no one stood behind him to save his soul from dying,
He broke a little harder... Harder, into finer pieces!

But, soon he stood strong and sharp
Like each of those fine glass pieces! 
For he was a man of a tough fate!
Tougher he would last... Tougher than today!


Tuesday, 27 October 2015

First moment

That woman with a harmonizing smile,
Unveiled the world to my eyes…
Very gently she took her hand off,
Preventing the fiery lights twitch my gentle eyes…
She then held my hand and kept it close to my heart,
She encouraged me to see miles apart.
But when all those voices around that place frightened me,
She held me warmly close to herself
And she softly said: ‘I am with you baby!’
These words still comfort me,
This feeling still relaxes me,
That first moment still lasts…
Since my day 1 and till date,
For every fall or heart breaking thought,
For anything that goes wrong,
That feeling of love and her motherly hug,
Is what I would long…
It’s mommy I would need all through,
To calm me and unveil new challenges of life all through!

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Oh... My poet

Oh... My poet
Write me a verse
Kiss my head with your words
Hug me with those pauses!
Bless me with those swallowed syllables
Cure me with your verse!

Oh my poet...
Write me a verse...
And therein help me be strong
And say you would pull me up,
When I go wrong!
Say... You would help me wipe off all tears
When I cry!
Say you would be the last one to hug me when I die!

I promise I would keep up that smile...
For keeping your strength when you watch me cry
I promise I would never hurt my life
For I know that you reside here... Deep inside!

And I... Your girl
Will then peacefully nestle
Close to you....
In the abode of your orotund carol!

Oh my poet...
Write me a verse
I am done with mine...
Just once... I beg... Come, Take your turn!

Monday, 5 October 2015


An infinite canopy, an aimless path
The astute profusion
Calls you in to commence a journey into its hollows!

For once you are in,
It is the master and you its slave!

Shrieks into absolute silence it swallows,
Silencing all cries into its dearthy-profusion...
Driving you through invisible willows!

And there the broken autumn leaves lay lifeless,
Muting their passionate verses...
Surrendering to the air's whispering curses!

Darkness it is they say...
The misleading sucction...urge of the night!
The spirit's fury for the day!

It commences within the sedetive lullaby
And its end...
A mystery... Unasked... Untold...

All we know is that one truth
That your beloved drives you in...
Tempting you into an infinite kin!
And you the prey... Surrender with an undecisive will!
Into that darkness... The infinite emptiness!

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The broken brink

A glass, once broken at the brink
Can no longer serve a drink...
They say!!!
Broken ... And gone forever!!

But he, the man with a broken brink
Cursing himself in remorseful limns
Uttered his lonely shivers in ink!

But all those words just cut him deeper
Bruised and shattered the unharmed parts...
Making his soul even weaker!

So, he hastily collected all pieces
Whispering self pampering verses
To the blank paper pieces!
But his glass like past
Hurt him again... While collecting those pieces of glass!

And so he melted oneself into unity
No brim... No glass...
A single soul!
Away from all hurt and darkness of the past.

And hence, I limn
The story of how a pen,
Mended his master's broken brink!

My friend,
The broken brink might not serve your drink
But it is strong enough to make up for the crown of a king!

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Innocent Rhymes!

"She wrapped herself in a pretty  dress ... 
And then on her waist a silver bow  did  she caress!

Then settled her hair into a bun 
And pinned up all the open ends  seeming  undone!

Thereafter she went to the mirror  wall 
Hair... wrist... shoes... She checked them all ... 
And then judged how high her heels went...
Then rated herself a ten on ten!

There after she went around the town
Wishing smiles to ones who once got a frown...

And so she said,
'Hey Miss muffet...
that's a pretty tuffet!

Hey Miss Jill,
Dare not climb up the hill...
Or else you will fall all over with that pail!

And you! Mr Incy Wincy Spider,
You must buy an auto glider
To ride you up to the water spout sooner!

Woohoo! Mr Humpty Dumpty
You better get down the wall
To avoid that bumpy-lumpy fall!'"

"Haha!" laughed mother,
That was a pretty story dear daughter!
But now it is time to sleep... Come on... Faster!"

"No.. No Mama!!!
The girl is not home as yet
Let her finish the rhyme town stroll set!!"
Said she, the tiny and innocent narrator mistress!

And on and on her story went!
And the doll strolling through the rhyme book bends!
Untill some dreamy pixie dust
Shut the little girls' eye vents!!!


Monday, 14 September 2015

What if I say...

What if I say I want to be lost
Nowhere else but in your arms
Counting the beats of your heart!
My arms around your waist
And yours covering mine...
And then blessings to your girl you recite
Still and silent...
With muted words and purity inside!

And together we feel...
The oneness within our boundless love
The oneness beyond infinity!!!
Free... Within the cages of purity!

What if I say
I want you to be around me
I want you to hold my hand
And then
You and me... Say nothing at all
But at the skies we gaze...
Connecting heart to heart!
Taming each others fears
Curing each others scars!!!
Knotting together the broken theads that gave pain
And unbolting those handcuffs... Breaking those chains!

What if I said, all this in your name I would swear?
Would that be enough to bring you here?

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The Autumn Leaf

That autumn leaf
Fallen from the topmost tree
Cried out his woes to one and all
Music they thought
He played while he thralled!

But hurt was he,
On detaching off the branch...
Teary was his soul,
On wandering in the odds alone...

Alone... He had to bear the rain ...
Rain which once was a blessing to him
Today seemed the clouds' refrain!

Alone... Did he break... And crush...
Bit by bit...
Leaving traces of his being... A brownish-dry bit!
Every time the stones he hit!

To you, I limn a story...
Of the autmn leaf ...
Who on breaking off the tree
To you did weep...
But instead the crunking of his soul
Came out as a music for lover's relief!
So pure was his soul
That magical were even his woes!

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

We ... Defining a world of two

From dusk to the breaking dawn,
He and I have shared an intense bond

Upon me peaceful smiles does he bestow
And unconditionally my tears does he own!
Sinking them in his whitish skin
Whenever to my eyes they akin!

My silliness does he adore
On my undone beats does he dance and flow
From sunken infinities of the skies...
To his brightly-shadowed cloudy robe!!!

And all this time...
We have said.. But we never spoke
Solitude and the dark
Has telepathied and synchronised
The said-unsaid feelings hidden our hearts' core!

Yes today we lay
Far away from togetherness...
But two united souls are we
Partners in an accompanied-solitude are we!

And a world of two we quote!
Me... Here on this land
His dreamer... His counterpart!!
And he... The moon... High up there
My night time story... My all time delight!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Grow up... They say

They say I have grown
Out of thier arms
Maybe out of their minds too...

Now no lullabuys need to drive me to sleep
No swings can stop me from monotonous weeps
Now no fairy would come to fulfil my under the pillow wish!
And no wanderlust around me would the angel swish!

Is that what growing up is?
Yes! They say!

When sleep in my eyes does flair
The eyelids do unknowingly drop a tear! the dark night
I search for a hand that pats my head
Yes, I seach for fairy tales to be said...

It is my hand and some self cooked stories
Of the shadows of those toy ponies
That wipe off the tears
Trying to restore those midnight glories!

Independence it is... They say!

For once it may seem a shadowed bay..
But your road was yours...
Be it today or yesterday!
You might walk it 'with' some
But to walk it FOR you there would be none!

So, when time would pass,
Being alone will no longer be a lightless path...
You yourself will be the lamp light!
No longer will it be a dreadful night!

And that is what they say...
Be patient... Stand...
Grow up!!! They say!

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

She ... The warrior

There she runs
Proudly wearing those scars and bruises
After bearing the shot of your gun ....

She knew no bandaids would heal her pain
She knew even the prayers would be in vain...
She knew nothing could un-crease her strains...

So she the warrior of her game,
Stood up... Took off that dented case
And her soul did she untame...
Free from the ties that hit hard  at her brain...
Finally closing the blood blotted chapter of her life's book
Because many more chapters lay untouched...
And the story goes on from life to death!

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

The Undawned Dawn

Daytime... what's that?"said he

A bump head does daily peep ... 
Not from the mountains but from the ashened heaps...
With guns and rifles reloaded and complete 
Blowing off the lamp light, 
Making the envior so dull and gleem
As it has forever been ... 
This for us is the daylight beam!

A roof no longer means safe nights... 
If in the bed a man lies... 
The terror of the army haunts his dreams...
Blood and tears all around do seem!

For once when these eyes do close ... 
Never do they wish to see another such daylight! 
To face the cruel rulers' voice that's turning hoarse!

No eyes would ever wish 
Such a scene to witness... 
A morn so full of bloodshed! 
As when the dead and steady eyes
Outglow the aspirations once ever believed 
When the lifeless bodies 
Flash the moments together weaved 
Darkness is better to be seen...
As in its darkness, 
It would hide the flowing blood seas ...

Oh how I wish for that usual morn 
Void of this ashened sky 
And this fearful undawned dawn!

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Our Last Bit to Sir Kalam

Last evening,
The setting sun could not promise another hopeful morn,
To those who wished to string along
With him... That teacher, that guide, Our missle man
Yes, he Dr. Abdul Kalam!

No conference had he to attend,
No meet has he now to oblige,
As He - the Lord this time,
Was lucky enough
To enjoy sir Kalam's company,
And to relevate his insight!

And so, his soul is off his body
On its way to embrace the heavens!

We know that from now on,
No faces would be as lighted up in his wait
As they did the previous dawn...
For with him one can't ever again
Spend another honoured morn!

Here are we - his people
Standing with shackled feet, cuffed hands and muted lips!
Had we got the chance to be the ones,
With a hope that he would re-exist,
Thousands of souls for him,
Would give up their life
With utmost might and will!

But for him we'll do our last bit,
We'll thump our shackles, bang these handcuffs,
And ring aloud those gongs and rattles
In literal senses... we'll work and work
Until we can soothe his soul...
With strength and energy in us as a whole!
And then encircling this soul
And bouncing him gently over these percussion beats...
We'll bid him a last goodbye...
By our last bit,
Sending him high up there,
Higher than these mountain peaks,
Higher... To the heavens!

- the_inkdiary

Reservations... Yes FAIR!

Reservations... Fair or unfair...

I say reservations are fair. Reservations are a surity, a guarantee that yes everyone can ... And each person in the nation will tomorrow be standing at similar levels...

Today, the nation is stretched out. If the born privilidged be the visage ... then the underprivilidged be the legs... And the middlemen all stretched into a 3.2 million sq km body.. Yes the nation makes big fat man...

Like we humans have proper   and different systems for different organs.. The same way we, the people of different casts, societies and races are altered and unaltered blood. All of us run in the same big fat mass. Even the unfiltered blood passes through the most elite organ, the heart reserving their way through the veins. So, to me, sanding against reservation sounds just like cutting the veins so that impure blood does not enter the heart... Betterment is then just a dream! The fact then comes into say - cutting viens is merely suicide ... In this case it is the suicide of the nation!

I ask why isn't it fair? You, who has the resources and potential can work hard and get through hardest of examinations!
Now, think of those who never got a chance as yet! They niether have an encouragement nor the exposure! (Imagine would you ever get through these if no one ever insisted you to study and qualify these?)
Those once ever left out communities have now got a chance to rise... That's their ray of hope... That is their encouragement!

Also just because another person is getting an opportunity and we aren't does not mean that we excoriate its existance.
Reservation even if not your cup of benefit tea.. "It is fair". The privilidged got the opportunities by birth, the reserved earned it by law. Simple and clear!

Another argument that aims at  shackling the feet of the supporters of reservation is that it discriminates people.
I ask, why? It never does divide... It unites different streams into one. This is all a societal tantrumic ideology.  We the people shouldn't even think about the line of seperation between the reserved and unreserved. Classes and casts sit there up in our mind. All we need is to get over the discrimination there. Because here the change begins from within! We need to clear our concepts and ideals first! 

Reservations have handed the  less fortunate ones a rope, pulling them out of the vicious circle they have always survived in.
So reserve...
Reserve BUT to a "limit"!

Todays' practical senario goes this way. A poor man did not get a job just because he is nowhere reserved. Now HE needs reservation!

Today, why is my neighbour, who lived a life similar to me, having got a lower rank than me, sitting in the topmost university of the country?
He simply USED his anecestors'  pain! THIS my friend was the loop hole! Reservations for the castes and tribes was a thought planted years back... But now times have changed.

The once ever left back classes are now empowered. For them reservations have worked their best. So, why are we dragging the same ideal over the years? Generations have come after that, empowered... And maybe many of them have overpowered the mightiest of the people! So do they need reservation now? I say no!

Reserve for those who need it. Donot scratch and pinch the scars of tomorrow... Heal the wounds of today. Donot empower the ones in power, spread enlightenment to the needy!
It is now time to wake up, see what is happening and respond to what the world needs. Reserve for the needy, donot merely oblige the empowered!

Now is the transformation era. Changes are a must! We now need proper systems to bring up the poor and unprivilidged, they need reservations. So now lets move out, think, act, reserve, respect!

- The_inkdiary

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Whats' more than a family ... Friends!

When a spicy memory 
A funny dream 
Or the thought of a  friend
Who scared you with a fake scream 
Makes your cheek feel heavily raised
That is when your smile comes up 
Taking you back to those seamless days...

That gang... the ones I used to sit with... 
The endless chitter-chatter that we did!
All that was a long time ago... 
And never to that time would our road curve!

The canteen days still tickle our tongue 
When the last bite mischiefs come to mind! 
Those innocent fights and hearty regrets 
Still force a tear into the eyelids! 
Those days... that togetherness no longer persists 
But the memories still bring out a bliss 
Of those soulful colours of lovely days like chintz! 
Making each one long for the gang to come up all over again! 

Monday, 20 July 2015

Camera... Action!

Your captures ... my poses
Your camera be the wanderer... me the bed of  roses!
And both of us together
Would turn the world upside down ...
Screaming with joy even to the lifeless posters
We would fill life even in that world so vitually real...

And tomorrow when the reel we would brush  through
This time would be there in front of our eyes
Your captures... my poses
Your camera the wanderer ... me the bed of roses!

(A poem specially for my dad on his birthday! Happy birthday papa! )

Reminiscent Analogies

My eyes were so fond of light,
That when they saw the darkness...
They blinked many times.
My heart was so fond of pride,
That when it felt the plight...
It ate up all the colours of the light!
My ears were so fond of echos of praise,
That when they heard the adverse appraisals they killed the pride!
My arms were so fond of love and hugs,
That when came the time of lonliness...
All pride and all praise did not even seem worth a while!

And there in the corner of the room was I,
Sitting in the darkness,
Collecting all pieces of broken pride and honour!

But in a tick of the seconds clock thought I,
An infant has to stand up after his fall,
Darkness has to go away for a new dawn,
Happiness has to come my way after this downfall!

Then did I rise,
Wiping all marks of my sad times,
Joining back the broken segments of my heart!
And then did I realise,
They had made me so to fit into the world's piece,
They moulded me so hard into this perfect peace,
That today I stand up again,
With all my scars gone forever!

Monday, 13 July 2015

Were you there?

When I walked the roads alone in the moonlight
I know you have been there by my side
Listening to the muted secrets of the night
Hand in hand ... under the moonlight!

It is when my words went dumb
And my eyes were so numb

To you my heartbeat did sing
All my regrets and unsaid sins

You kept still... did not speak
Just synchronised your footsteps with my heartbeats

It made me feel like you could relate
It made me feel like you did try to soothe my hearts' haste!

And when the highs all vanished
And they tear removed its illusionary blemish 
Still nothing could I see
Niether the water... nor the pains!
Niether my soul ... nor you!

Were you there... ever?

Monday, 6 July 2015

The MAN!

They say he is a MAN
For he has never had a tear in his eye!
His tremendous esteem never let him cry
Yes he is a MAN they say!

It is true that he did not cry
When he tipped and hurt himself by a brick!
It is true that he did not cry
When his favourite car fell into the ditch!

And when he fell too hard in love
And his heart broke ... to the world he did not cry!
On seeing her beloved flow tears of seperation
His heart did not fill his eye!

From her little daughters' first smile
A tear did not happily approach his eye
To the time when
He saw his child go far away .... miles and   miles ...
He still had those eyes dry ...

Fake... false... these are all lies!
To him it is merely an imposed attire...
The room he entered with a lush of pride
Was filled with regrets and mourns inside!

No I say
He never was a real man!
He was just a piece of iron or steel
Which only to his master flame did melt
In darkness... the companion of his dread!

Real men do cry
They express ...
Their eyes do they never hide
Within the muted darkness of the night!
Yes real MEN do cry!

Monday, 29 June 2015

The Abode

Footsteps that once played beats of happiness
And harmonised with the orchestra of autmn leaves
Today stand at the doorstep playing their final beat...
Performing the concluding note of years spent at this place ... together!

From day one to year 21...
It has been long days and long nights,
And today has come the time to leave...
A tough goodbye we bid to this house
For milestones ahead await ...
With new stories... new moments... fresh ways!!!

And now as I crossed the verandah gate
A tear unknowingly just escaped
Out of my eye...
Urging me to look back just one last time!

I turned ...
And unconciously peeped ...
Through the open door... where the light surpassed!
The unclear tear had gifted me one last glimpse,
Of the stories we had together carved...  
As a big happy family!

From talking about childlike glass-break tragidies,
To gossiping and eating meals!!
From serious scoldings ... to instant laughter remedies!
All this is now fading off... but this memory will forever last!

And now when we leave,
The table... the chairs... the ornamental walls..
Unexpectedly have come to life
Just to bid us a hearty goodbye...
With a fake promise of meeting soon!
Another meal... another upcoming moment full of life... together... on the same table!

We pray to the moon and stars up high
May your gaurdian light
Protect our piece of shelter... this house always!
May springs, autumns, winters and heat...
Play the same tones of happiness and bloom,
The baton of life to you... dear nature,
We release!

Monday, 22 June 2015

Toys... not just playthings!

They used to talk to me with muted lips
They used to dance on my naive beats
They used to be my soft support when I fell
They played in my lap like babies in a shell
When I myself was the little girl
Who talked to mum with unclear words!

And today when I stand alone in that room
They lay on my bed
As if playing with the dust...
But the sand to me is their lust!

Their hands and legs are still in place...
Covered under the lustily dirty face...
But their cottony heart inside I know
Has waited with utmost hope
Of seeing me - their little mommy back home!

Yes I know they have waited all this while
And today when I am back home
They have greeted me
With that same big smile
Yes... they have talked to me
Yes ... they have played with me
Because their lifeless heart is still that lively
That beats for me in my imaginary world
They ... my toys ... my all time fantasies!

Tuesday, 9 June 2015


For the ones whose hands aren't free to feel
For the ones whose eyes aren't ready to see
For the ones whose ears aren't open to hear
The beauty ... the rhythm that for them flairs!

The natural beauty you wander in
For you will it certainly sing
Sing the songs of life to you...

The autmn leaves would play notes of love,
The flowers will then merrily dance ...
The birds high above will sing the song...
And the air too will circle around...
Bouncing you higher to dance to its tones
Letting you harmonise to the music that has been prepared by the Gods,
For me ... for us ... for the human folk ...

Just give it a chance
Just put down your headphones for a while
And listen...
Raise your head out of the digital screen ...
And see ...
What you have missed all this while
What over there has forever been
Unnoticed, unseen!

- The_inkdiary

Saturday, 9 May 2015


Wishlists ... why do people make them? 
The idea of wishlists has always fascinated me.
Wish-list: a list of all those wishes that hold a potential to make you happy, a list which when made brings out the innocent and child like honesty to the fore and somewhat ends up with a blushy pink line on your face.
For some, a wishlist is a piece of paper, having mugged up all the strong goals and aspirations of a person's life kept in a remote corner of a room saved from all the eyes around.
But for some it is a list of innocent desires that are waiting to be read by friends, family or someone who can pamper them!
The little child sitting deep in the heart always wishes to hide the scroll of your aspirations on the most obvious place... under the pillow. On the top of one's skin is an imposting desire of the list lying at its place unattended and unseen. But under that very cover is a bunch of butterflies running up and down waiting for the paper to magically vanish away (secretly read by someone! )

Sunday, 3 May 2015


I am afraid of flipping the pages of my inked diaries...
As in them lie the leaves...
Leaves of unsaid stories
Leaves of unattended thirst for glories
Leaves of unimaginable fears
Leaves full of bleeding tears

Pages inked with a watery heart
Lying unread ... untold... unclassed....

-The InkDiary

Sunday, 12 April 2015


A story of hearts did a poet once weave,
Two hearts together, under the same roof did rhythemically beat,
Playing the tones of innocent love ...
Creating the music of affection!

But eventually time made them bleed...
Tears of anger and unattended greed!
Creating unknown distances ... slowly tearing them apart!

Each wept a suppressed tear for the other,
With soulful belongingness gushing immidiately under!
Covered with a skinny layer of howling anger
Creasing their seamless laughter!

Each knew the pain,
Each knew, the other bore a teary strain.
But none of the hearts were so firmly concrete,
To wipe the droplet off the other's cheek!
And so, in the noisy scilence do they weep
Unattended... Seemingly unseen....

-Angel Pandhi

Friday, 10 April 2015

Broken Patterns

Embossed fonts chizzeled over a seemingly infinite base,
Rubbing my hands through all the patterned gales.
Addicted to the rhythemic movement of my hands,
Over the ornamentations on the temple wall in colourful bands
Carried was I to go with the flow,
Unaware, unattentive of what went around
Lost in the patterned world!

But the rhythm did something interrupt ...
A wiggled tuft,
Blossoming life inside a lifelessly lively pattern
As if taking forward the baton ...
The responsibility to burst the monotony bubble,
And bring twists and curves even inside the cracked part of the motif! 
Yes a pretty life emerging from the broken pattern!

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Nature - Mother Nature

When a hug is what you need,
Go, visit the natural breeze
And yes your thirst will it heal!

Just close your eyes and breath,
And the mother nature will do its bit
And will it circumference the airy arms around you
Trying to assemble the broken pieces of you into you!
Don't worry it won't drive these pieces apart ...
It would circle around and provide a motherly comfort! 
Because afterall she too is a mother!


Shining dimonds on a vast floor,
As if toppled upside down,
But not yet off their bore.
Dropping shine over the light-scorched houses ashore!
Yes they are the stars!

One day a childlike curiosity popped inside me,
How many such pearls does this earth carry?
How many of them do witness our midnight melodies?

That night when the clock struck nine,
Aiming my sight at each star that stays upright,
One, two, three,  four, five...
Counted I till midnight,
Unaware of how far the count was carrying me!

Now breaking the chain of my count frantically,
I banged my head into a brownish tree!
Somewhat scared, maybe of my own shriek,
Fell I onto the floor of that empty street!

I rolled my eyes around sulkily,
Eaten up with fear,
Lost did then I feel,
And hence dropping a flood of tears.

These flooded eyes and the dark night manupilated the midnight scene.
The concrete road seemed like rushy water,
The swishing of trees a shrieky scream,
Waving to me with demoniac laughter!

This moment was a do or die,
Either could I stand up and try,
To get through the gushy water,
Or else stay and let the cold blood flow within with a hasty high!

Now cluching myself really tight,
I was ready to try,
To step into the gasty flow!
But when with fear went my tears all dry,
A road concrete enough was I standing by!

No gales, no waves had there ever been
My mind had then created that adernalin high,
Which made things seem so scarily wry!
Now me has found a braver I,
Which knows when imagination imposts to the reality of the eye,
The heart will always help you through,
And will let you look out for the daring new!

-Angel Pandhi

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Then and Now

Then did I have unburdened eyes,
But fortunately no burden of teary lies .
Then did I have arms for the warmest hugs
But not as long to cover the girth of mums' waist line.
Then did I have innocent feelings but no words to say,
Then did I have a fast healing power,
But not a wound as big as today!
Ruthless lies try to make way through these wide eyes today
But these already have reality of thought piling up day by day!
And so they overflow each time an adversity they face!
Today my arms are long enough,
But I no longer have mum's waist to press!
Because now we are miles apart due to my study quest!
Today I have the words but none of them concrete enough to express...
Words... that can mend the breaking stress!
Distances between my heart and my mind have now become even great,
What the heart says the mind no longer resonates!
And so unhealed lie the wounds of today!
Many controversies of time the time has brought to me!
But time itself brings reasons for us...
Reasons to  overlook these and live a life happily! 

Tuesday, 31 March 2015


When standing alone in the beach did not seem lonely,
When salty water did not mean tears only
When worries, fears and solitude were lost in some isolated land,
That is where my childhood stands
Eternal in my mind
Instilled in my soul
Hidden under the now made up faces
Veiled under His tough plans!

Then when my arms were not even long enough to clutch mum’s waist,
And her half girth hug did soothe my hearts haste.
When the softest out of the hard beds to me did mum provide
That is where my childhood does hide
Eternal in my mind
Instilled in my soul
Waiting for that very feeling of her being around
Picking up piles of smiles from innocent whiles!

When words did not cut the soul,
When burning eyes did not turn down efforts
When people all around were life size dolls
But hearts were no playthings at all
That is where my childhood freely swung
Eternal in my mind
Instilled in my soul
Coffined under the aspirations of a smooth flight into this world!