My eyes were so fond of light,
That when they saw the darkness...
They blinked many times.
My heart was so fond of pride,
That when it felt the plight...
It ate up all the colours of the light!
My ears were so fond of echos of praise,
That when they heard the adverse appraisals they killed the pride!
My arms were so fond of love and hugs,
That when came the time of lonliness...
All pride and all praise did not even seem worth a while!
And there in the corner of the room was I,
Sitting in the darkness,
Collecting all pieces of broken pride and honour!
But in a tick of the seconds clock thought I,
An infant has to stand up after his fall,
Darkness has to go away for a new dawn,
Happiness has to come my way after this downfall!
Then did I rise,
Wiping all marks of my sad times,
Joining back the broken segments of my heart!
And then did I realise,
They had made me so to fit into the world's piece,
They moulded me so hard into this perfect peace,
That today I stand up again,
With all my scars gone forever!