Tuesday, 27 October 2015

First moment

That woman with a harmonizing smile,
Unveiled the world to my eyes…
Very gently she took her hand off,
Preventing the fiery lights twitch my gentle eyes…
She then held my hand and kept it close to my heart,
She encouraged me to see miles apart.
But when all those voices around that place frightened me,
She held me warmly close to herself
And she softly said: ‘I am with you baby!’
These words still comfort me,
This feeling still relaxes me,
That first moment still lasts…
Since my day 1 and till date,
For every fall or heart breaking thought,
For anything that goes wrong,
That feeling of love and her motherly hug,
Is what I would long…
It’s mommy I would need all through,
To calm me and unveil new challenges of life all through!