Wednesday, 23 December 2015

The_inkdiary Story

We talk a lot
My heart, my paper and the ink of my ink pot!
We mess a lot...
We talk about each word that my heart utters,
We mess for what to write and what not!

My heart says a word...
The ink turns it a bit...
He... This paper might like it not a bit
And and blot her, miss ink in a messy dip!
And at times just curls each stroke,
With love overflowing in each drop!

These words we mend
Into pretty lines,
And those lines into a verse...
Limning the pleasures and even those sad times,
To festoon our three-men universe!

Yes we talk... A lot!
My paper... My heart and the ink of my inkpot!
Poets are we...
Faithful... Bonded forever are we!