Tuesday, 1 September 2015

We ... Defining a world of two

From dusk to the breaking dawn,
He and I have shared an intense bond

Upon me peaceful smiles does he bestow
And unconditionally my tears does he own!
Sinking them in his whitish skin
Whenever to my eyes they akin!

My silliness does he adore
On my undone beats does he dance and flow
From sunken infinities of the skies...
To his brightly-shadowed cloudy robe!!!

And all this time...
We have said.. But we never spoke
Solitude and the dark
Has telepathied and synchronised
The said-unsaid feelings hidden our hearts' core!

Yes today we lay
Far away from togetherness...
But two united souls are we
Partners in an accompanied-solitude are we!

And a world of two we quote!
Me... Here on this land
His dreamer... His counterpart!!
And he... The moon... High up there
My night time story... My all time delight!